Dette internettet..

Plutselig ender man opp som html-konsulent for en fyr i Warsava….

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5 Responses to Dette internettet..

  1. snecz says:

    Thank You!
    And hey, what a nice blog!

  2. snecz says:

    Thanks Morten 🙂
    BTW, nice blog (but can’t understand a thing exept maybe for zucker).


  3. snecz says:

    Thanks Morten 🙂
    Greetings from warm as ever Warsaw in January!
    Great blog (though zucker is one of few words thah I can understand)

  4. Morten says:

    You are welcome, Marek. The spamfilter ate your messages, but I managed to salvage them



  5. snecz says:

    This is an example how one simple though can be expressed as four different comments 🙂

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