Todays MSIE fun..

Testing an ajax based application on MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer) 6.0.

Observation #1: The checked status of a checkbox cannot be set before the checkbox is placed in the DOM. I am making a tr where the first element is a checkbox, then I have to put the tr into the table before i could set it to checked.

Observation #2: MSIE caches the resulting xml from the server. There must either be set a header telling that it is outdated (best but I must look a bit more into this to find out how) or there must be added a semi random string to the queryparameters to fool MSIE into believing some new data will show up.

Observation #2b: I believe this also have to do with caching. To simplify debugging (to be able to see easily in the log files what has been sent to the server) I have used GET requests even when sending messages to the server that justs inserts or deletes from the server. Obiously MSIE doesn’t even bother to send the request if it believes it knows what is going to come back. Changing over to POST solved the problem.

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